推介词:四川·稻城亚丁景区 香格里拉寻梦之旅

白玉老鼠 2023年4月19日10:54:11来源:中国推介





亚丁主体景观为终年积雪不化的三座雪山,其造型独特,形态各异,举世无双,是中国最美十大名山之一。仙乃日、央迈勇、夏诺多吉三座雪山高 6000 米左右,相距很近却又主体分隔,“品”字形排列亦构成一体,呈现出了世界高山中独一无二的组合形态。 雪山之下分布着在冰川作用形成的高山湖泊,如翡翠、碧玉般镶嵌于山间。雪山山形优美,在蓝天下勾勒出的天际轮廓线,百媚千姿、蔚为壮观。北峰仙乃日犹如一尊大佛端坐于莲花台上,南峰央迈勇犹如一把锋利的宝剑直指苍穹,东峰夏诺多吉犹如一只巨型蝙蝠, 欲展翅高飞,冲往天际。


亚丁拥有第四纪以来多数地区已绝迹的动植物活化石,被称为青藏高原地质历史博物馆和物种基因库,也是青藏高原保存最完整、最原始的高山自然生态系统,壮丽的雪山、 炫彩的森林、斑斓的花朵、广袤的草甸、碧透的海子… …雪域高原最美的一切几乎都汇聚于此。

春天和夏天总是交织在一起,雪山圣洁,各类花草竞相绽放,森林、溪流、湖泊展现生机,宛似一幅水彩画。秋季是最令人心醉的季节,金黄的草地、绚烂的彩林、剔透的流水,如同一幅油画。 冬季褪去了金秋的绚烂,用另一种唯美装饰着这里,雪山、溪流仿佛被冰封一样,成为了充满禅意的水墨画。


亚丁是传说中的人间圣地。 亚丁即为向阳之地,藏语为念青贡嘎日松贡布,其意思是“终年积雪不化的三座护法神山圣地”。传说,公元8世纪,佛学大师莲花生亲自将佛教密宗三位本尊菩萨之名赋予三座雪山,仙乃日是观世音菩萨的化身、央迈勇是文殊菩萨的化身、夏诺多吉是金刚手菩萨的化身,是慈悲、智慧与力量完美结合的圣山,佛名 “三怙主雪山”,在世界佛教二十四大圣地中排名第十一位。亚丁三圣山是当地人心中的守护神,沿途的玛尼堆、转经筒、经幡、古寺庙,无不诠释着这一方风情,浸润了多少人的希冀和梦想,洗涤着每个人的心灵。

美国著名探险家约瑟夫 ·洛克先生于1928年两次到访亚丁,感慨说:她是我见到的世界上最美丽的雪峰。《消失的地平线》一书以洛克考察日记为蓝本,描绘了一个名叫香格里拉的“世外桃源”,由此敲开了“上帝留存的花园”之门。

这里栖息着乌托邦的梦想,伊甸园的景致,净土一样的空灵和纯粹。这里的一切,以其独特的方式诠释 “香格里拉之魂”。


Here has been complimented as the soul of Shangri-La, “the pure land on the blue planet”; it is the Utopia fascinating to many people. Here is Daocheng Yading.

Hello, everyone. I am Li Can, the Director of Daocheng Yading Scenic Spot Administration. It is my honor to introduce you the Journey in Pursuit of Shangri-La Dream – Daocheng Yading.

The beauty of Yading – in its appearance

Daocheng Yading is located in the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Garze, in the east of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, middle part of Hengduan Mountains, and it belongs to the Shaluli Mountains.

The main scenic view of Yading is the three mountains covered by snow all year around. They are unique with various appearances, making them matchless in the world and listed in the Top 10 Great Mountains in China.The three snow mountains, Xiannairi, Yang Maiyong and Chenodoji are about 6000m high, standing close to each other while their main bodies are separated. Their layout in tripod shape makes them one integrated structure, exhibiting their unique appearance among high mountains in the world. Alpine lakes formed at foot of the snow mountains because of glacier action looks like green jade embedded there. The elegant shapes of the mountains exhibited their delicate and spectacular contour with blue sky as their background. The north mountain Xiannairi looks like a huge Buddha sitting on a lotus platform; the south mountain Yang Maiyong looks like a sharp sword pointing to the sky; and the east mountain Chenodoji looks like a giant bat about to fly towards the sky.

The beauty of Yading – in its ecology

Yading boasts its living fossils of animals and plants which have extinguished in most regions since the Quaternary period. It is called the geochronic museum and species gene pool of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is also the best preserved and original alpine natural ecological system on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Spectacular snow mountains, splendid forests, colorful flowers, vast grassland, and clear green lakes...almost everything beautiful for the snow-covered plateau are gathered here.

Spring and summer always illustrate themselves together, with the holy snow mountains, various blooming flowers and lush vegetation, together with forest, creeks and lakes exhibit their livelihood, making the scenery like a watercolor paint. Autumn is the most fascinating season, with golden grassland, colorful forest and clear creek, making the scenery like an oil paint. Winter removes the splendor of autumn, but decorates here with another type of beauty, with the snow mountains and creeks frozen, making the scenery like a zen style of ink wash painting.

The beauty of Yading – in its culture

Yading is the legendary holy land on earth. “Yading” means the land towards the sun, pronounced in Tibetan language as Nianching Gongga Rison Gongbu, meaning“all year around snow-covered holy land for the three Dharmapala mountains”. Legendary goes that in the 8th century, the Buddhism Master Padmasambhava personally endowed the names of three Vajrayana Bodhisattvas to the three snow mountains:Xiannairi as the emanation of Arya Avalokiteshvara, Yang Maiyong as the emanation of Manjusri Bodhisattva, and Chenodoji as the emanation of Vajrapani Bodhisattva, making the holy mountains a perfection combination of benevolence, wisdom and strength. The Buddhism name is “Bodhisattva Trinity Snow Mountains”, ranking No. 11 among the 24 Buddhism holy mountains in the world. The holy mountain of Trinity in Yading is the god of guardian in the heart of local people. The Marnyi stones, prayer wheels, prayer flags and ancient temples all illustrate this local atmosphere which bears the hope and dream of numerous people, and cleanses the souls of everyone.

Mr. Joseph Charles Francis Rock, the famous American explorer, visited Yading twice in 1928, and he said emotionally: She is the most beautiful snow mountain I have seen in the world. The book Lost Horizon was created based on the explorer diaries of Rock, depicted a “Utopia” called Shangri-La, from where the door is opened to the “heavenly garden of God”.

Here resides the Utopian dream, the Eden sceneries, and the pure land peace. Everything here is interpreting the “Soul of Shangri-La” in its unique way.

Visitors from all over the world are welcome to Daocheng Yading. I am here waiting for you!

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